Czech MaTE
Went to a concentration camp today. It snowed the whole time and the sky was stealy grey. THere's a duo of professors camped out at this hostel here in PRague that arw writing a book on the Holocaust and one of them agreed to chaperone a few of us to this concentration camp called Terazin. It was good to have him, Paul, with us because I would have missed many of the subelties and backround that there was to learn about what happened there. I'm not going to get into any details but it was a heavy day and I'm glad to be back in my warm room with a toilet and shower near by. I think I said someting to the same effect when I was in Cambodia visiting some of the killing fields there, but I feel the same way: that I'ts importanat to bare whitness to events like these so I can be more tolerant to other people in the future. I'm still in a bit of a funk over the day and I think I feel more JEwish today than anytime I've ever lit the candels or been to a service. It seem entirely possible that me or my family would have had our names written on those walls had we been born someplace else a few years ago. Oi. I'm off tomorrow to the south and I'll be keepin on keepin on. Till then.
love dave
Went to a concentration camp today. It snowed the whole time and the sky was stealy grey. THere's a duo of professors camped out at this hostel here in PRague that arw writing a book on the Holocaust and one of them agreed to chaperone a few of us to this concentration camp called Terazin. It was good to have him, Paul, with us because I would have missed many of the subelties and backround that there was to learn about what happened there. I'm not going to get into any details but it was a heavy day and I'm glad to be back in my warm room with a toilet and shower near by. I think I said someting to the same effect when I was in Cambodia visiting some of the killing fields there, but I feel the same way: that I'ts importanat to bare whitness to events like these so I can be more tolerant to other people in the future. I'm still in a bit of a funk over the day and I think I feel more JEwish today than anytime I've ever lit the candels or been to a service. It seem entirely possible that me or my family would have had our names written on those walls had we been born someplace else a few years ago. Oi. I'm off tomorrow to the south and I'll be keepin on keepin on. Till then.
love dave
Labels: Hell
I know what you mean by feeling more Jewish:
Back when the PETA people came out with that bizarreo ad campaign "Holocoaust on your Plate" which compared images of actual concetration camp victims with the images of chickens in coups- I just couldn't help but be even more Jewish- I actually wrote a letter to PETA with "I am a Jewish person who opposes this compariosn rant." hmmmm. keep writing.
emilyahostutler, at 6:35 AM
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