Czech one two Czech one two, one two
Greetings . Greetings and salutations. Beautiful day for a plane ride.....let's take two. If you're reading I say thanks and please leave a comment so I know you're there. First thing's first. I'm Here in Prague CZ. Overcast skies and around the mid 30's in the mercury. I just got into town and I'm staying at a hostel that' s in the working section of town. Not too many tourists and close to all transportation. I just arose from a nap and have returned from my first meal in Europe in a long time. It was pretty tasty: chicken wrapped around sausage covered with melted cheese and a side of fries sitting in a tasty pool or brown sauce. Heavy but damn satisfying washed down with two Stropramen beers. I'm just getting freindly with some very friendly people in the hostel, my dinner company were two Engligh blokes that refreshed my cache of interesting slang that I will be bringing back to the states with me. THere's a cool church made of human bones that's near here by bus and I'll be taking many photos of that. More commentary and thoughts to come. DOnt' touch that dial. Thanks for reading.
Where's the photography, dammit?
MissGinsu, at 11:10 AM
I am reading...what kind of adventure are you having again?
emilyahostutler, at 12:15 PM
Sclarowitz! Did you slice the polenta yet? We should only do five or six for now; it'll probably be a slow night.
acatalano, at 1:48 AM
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