Highway 61

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Communist Cola.

A hoy. (that's hello over here) I've been walking myself into a trance everyday and trying to take some good photos in the overcast sky. It's been pretty challenging with no light and all but if that's the worst of my problems I can live with that. I've been drinking lots of Pilsner named after a town near here called Plzen. The locals here drink beer what seems like first thing in the morning. Stepped into a cafe this morning and there were dudes ripping into greazy meaty bones with a half finished beer on the table.

-There are many grotto like caverns and catacombs below every structure here. You go into a basement and its more like a beautiful high arching ceiling of vaulted bricks or stone. Its cool to think that most of the stuff here was in its golden age before there was even a log cabin on the shores of the AMericas. Not going to ago any deeper than that.

-Did I mention that everybody smokes here? I saw a baby in a carriage ask me for a light the other day. Seriously though.

-everything over her seems to be accompanied by some version of tartare sause. I think its the national condiment

-this hostel "Sir Toby's" is the best hostel I've ever stayed in. Everyine is soo friendly and it's been a real pleasure getting to know people from Lebanon, Germany, Sweeden, Czech, Argentina and of course the USA. Lots of opinion on the world view to toss around over a few liters of the local suds and its all good from there.

-Prague has been a beautiful experience and I have hardly had time to pick up a book or use this computer because the company has been so rich. I hope that anyone who reads this will put this place on their to-do list for the next year.

-it's snowing. Most besutiful.


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